
current location: home - associate professor

yuan mengqi

  • name
    yuan mengqi
  • title
    associate professor
  • address
    room 303, state key laboratory of explosion science and technology, school of mechatronical engineering, beijing institute of technology, beijing, china
  • tel
  • email

research interests

mechanics and bionic structure study on personal protective body armor
system design and optimization of real-time monitoring of the underground pipelines
reproduction and analysis on the combustible gas explosion

academic achievements

1. yuan, m. and bourell, d*. quality improvement of optically translucent parts manufactured from ls and sl. rapid prototyping journal. 2016, 22(1): 87-96. (sci, if=2.03)
2. yuan, m. and bourell, d*. orientation effects for laser sintered polyamide optically translucent parts. rapid prototyping journal. 2016, 22(1): 97-103. (sci, if=2.03)
3. yuan, m. and bourell, d*. optical properties of laser sintered polyamide 12. rapid prototyping journal. 2015, 21(4): 443-448. (sci, if=2.03)
4. zhao, y., yuan, m*. et.al. crowd macro state detection using entropy model. physica a: statistical mechanics and its applications, 2015, 431:84-93. (sci, if=1.732)
5. ji, t., qian x., yuan, m*. jiang j. experimental study of thermal comfort on stab resistant body armor, spingerplus, 2016 , 5(1).(sci,if=0.92)
