
current location: home - associate professor

chen dongping

  • name
    chen dongping
  • title
    associate professor
  • address
    room 236, teaching building no.3, school of mechatronical engineering, beijing institute of technology, beijing, china
  • tel
  • email

research interests

combustion chemistry
soot formation
kinetic modeling
application of quantum chemistry and electronic structure calculations
molecular dynamics
methods of large-scale optimization
aerosol dynamics
transport theories
supercritical fluids

academic achievements

danckwerts-pergamon prize for best phd thesis, university of cambridge, 2014

progress in energy and combustion science, carbon, nanoscale , combustion and flame, the journal of physical chemistry c, rsc advances, energy & fuel, proceedings of the combustion institute, aerosol science & technology
1. d. chen, h. wang, “a microscopic view of clustering phenomenon in supercritical argon and n-octane”, physical chemistry chemical physics, submitted, 2018. (sci, if=4.1)

2. d. chen, h. wang, “homo-lumo energy splitting in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their derivatives”, proceeding of combustion institute, accepted, 2018. (sci, if=3.2)

3. c. liu, d. chen, h. wang, “gas-particle momentum accommodation coefficient from specular to diffuse scattering”, physical review letters, submitted, 2018. (sci, if=8.5)

4. a. singh, d. chen, c. liu, k. wan, h. wang, “apparent optical bandgap of flame-synthesized carbon nanoparticles”, combustion and flame, submitted, 2018. (sci, if=3.7)

5. d. chen, k. wang, h, wang, “violation of collision limit in recently published reaction models”, combustion and flame, 186:208-210, 2017. (sci, if=3.7)

6. d. chen, h. wang, “cation-π interactions between flame chemi-ions and aromatic compounds”, energy & fuels, 31: 2345-2355, 2016. (sci, if=3.1)

7. j. camacho, a. singh, w. wang, r. shan, e. k. yapp, d. chen, m. kraft, h. wang, “soot particle size distributions in premixed stretch-stabilized flat ethylene-oxygen-argon flames”, proceedings of the combustion institute, 36: 1001-1009, 2016. (sci, if=3.2)

8. p. grancic, j. martin, d. chen, s. mosbach, m. kraft, “can soot particles burn from inside?”, carbon, 109: 608-615, (2016). (sci, if=6.3)

9. m. botero, d. chen, s. celera, d. jefferson, m. kraft, “hrtem evaluation of soot particles produced by the non-premixed combustion of liquid fuels”, carbon, 96: 459-473, (2016). (sci, if=6.3)

10. j. wang, s. seifert, r. winans, e. tolmachoff, y. xin, d. chen, h. wang, s. anderson, “in situ x-ray scattering and dynamical modeling of pd catalyst nanoparticles formed in flames”, the journal of physical chemistry c, 119(33): 19073-19082, (2015). (sci, if=4.5)

11. d. chen, j. akroyd, s. mosbach, m. kraft, “surface reactivity of polycyclic aromatics hydrocarbon clusters”, proceedings of the combustion institute, 35(2): 1811-1818, (2015). (sci, if=3.2)

12. e. yapp, d. chen, j. akroyd, s. mosbach, m. kraft, j. camacho, h. wang, “numerical simulation and parametric sensitivity study of particle size distributions in a burner-stabilised stagnation flame”, combustion and flame, 162(6): 2569-2581, (2015). (sci, if=3.7)

13. d. chen, j. akroyd, s. mosbach, m. kraft, “solid-liquid transitions in homogenous ovalene, hexabenzocoronene and circumcoronene clusters: a molecular dynamics study”, combustion and flame, 162(2): 486-495, (2015). (sci, if=3.7)

14. d. chen, t. totton, j. akroyd, s. mosbach, m. kraft, “phase change of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon clusters by mass addition”, carbon, 77: 25-35, (2014). (sci, if=6.3)

15. d. chen, t. totton, j. akroyd, s. mosbach, m. kraft, “size-dependent melting of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (pah) nano-clusters: a molecular dynamics study”, carbon, 67: 79-91, (2014) (sci, if=6.3)

16. d. chen, z. zainuddin, e. yapp, j. akroyd, s. mosbach, m. kraft, “a fully coupled simulation of pah and soot growth with a population balance model”, proceedings of the combustion institute, 34: 1827–1835, (2013). (sci, if=3.2)
