
current location: home - professor

ning jianguo

  • name
    ning jianguo
  • title
  • address
    state key laboratory of explosion science and technology, beijing institute of technology, beijing, china
  • tel
  • email

research interests

explosion mechanics, impact dynamics, computational mechanics.

academic achievements

1. supported by the national science fund for distinguished young scholars;
2. distinguished professor of changjiang scholar award program of ministry of education;
3. the vice-director of applied mechanics professional committee of china ordnance society; member of calculating mechanics professional committee.
4. the editorial board of the journal of computational mechanics (chinese), explosion and shock waves (chinese), 《chinese science bullentin》, 《acta mechanica solida sinica》.
1. ning jianguo, duan yan, xu xiangzhao, et al. velocity characteristics of fragments from prismatic casing under internal explosive loading. international journal of impact engineering, 2017, 109:29-38.
2. yuan xinpeng, ning jianguo, ma tianbao, wang, cheng. stability of newton tvd runge–kutta scheme for one-dimensional euler equations with adaptive mesh. applied mathematics and computation. 2016, 282:1-16.
3. ning jianguo, zhao hui, li jian, ma tianbao, ren huilan. numerical simulation of h 2–o 2 gaseous detonation on the wedge. international journal of hydrogen energy. 2015, 40(37):12897-12904.
4. ning jianguo, yuan xinpeng, ma tianbao, et al. positivity-preserving moving mesh scheme for two-step reaction model in two dimensions. computers & fluids, 2015, 123:72-86.
5. ning jianguo, matianbao, fei guanglei. multi-material eulerian method and parallel computation for 3d explosion and impact problems. international journal of computational methods.2014,11(5):1350079.
6. ning jianguo, chu liang, ren huilan. a quantitative acoustic emission study on fracture processes in ceramics based on wavelet packet decomposition. journal of applied physics, 2014, 116(8): 084901
7. ning jianguo, ren huilan,guo tingting, li ping. dynamic response of alumina ceramics impacted by long tungsten projectile. international journal of impact engineering,2013,62:60-74
