
current location: home - professor

wei xuexia

  • name
    wei xuexia
  • title
  • address
    department of mechanics and engineering, school of mechatronical engineering, beijing institute of technology, beijing, 100081, china
  • tel
  • email

research interests

solid mechanics; smart materials; dynamics

academic achievements

1.wei x. x. (1999) "theoretical stress analyses for rock spheres and cylinders under the point load strength test" submitted to the hong kong polytechnic university, phd dissertation.
2.wei x. x. (1992) "an experimental and theoretical study on the microstructure of frozen soil during creep" submitted to lanzhou university, master of science thesis.
3.wei x. x., yan l. t. (2017). "core-shell spheres under diametrical compression: an analytical solution" european journal of mechanics a/solids, 62: 39-49. (sci)
4.chen x. , li c., wei x. x. (2016). "stress analysis of a hollow sphere compressed between two flat platens". international journal of mechanical sciences 118: 67–76. (sci)
5.wei x. x., wang z. m., xong j. (2015). "the analytical solutions for the stress distributions within elastic hollow spheres under the diametrical point loads" archive of applied mechanics, 85: 817-830. (sci)
6.wei, x. x., chau, k. t. (2013). "three dimensional analytical solution for finite circular cylinders subjected to indirect tensile test" international journal of solids and structures 50(14-15): 2395-2406 (sci).
7.wei x. x.,chen b. w.and li y.(2010). "inhomogeneous strain fields within silicon spheres under the point load test and the strain effect on the quantum valence-bands". mechanics of advanced materials and structures, 52: 1671-1681. (sci)
8.wei x. x., chau k. t. (2009). "finite and transversely isotropic elastic cylinders under compression with end constraint induced by friction" international journal of solids and structures, 46: 1953-1965. (sci)
9.wei x. x. (2009). "an analytical solution for strain distributions within finite cylinders of si1-xgex alloy under the double-punch test and effect on three valence-bands" mechanics of advanced materials and structures, 16: 371-383. (sci)
10.wei x. x. (2009). "analytical solutions for solid spheres of si1-xgex alloy under compression" mechanics research communications, 36: 682-689. (sci)
11.wei x. x., l. x. wang, k. t. chau (2009). "analytical and numerical analyses for non-linear seismic torsional poundings between an asymmetric tower and a barrier" earthquake spectra 25(4): 899–925. (sci)
12.wang l.x., chau k.t.,wei x.x. (2009). "numerical simulations of nonlinear seismic torsional pounding between two single-story structures" advances in structural engineering, 12: 87-101. (sci)
13.wei x. x. (2008). "non-uniform strain field in a wurtzite gan cylinder under compression and the related end friction effect on quantum behavior of valence-bands " mechanics of advanced materials and structures, 15: 612-622. (sci)
14.wei x. x., yu y., bi y. (2008). "an analytical solution for inhomogeneous strain within cylinders of silicon and effect on quantum band structure under the double-punch test" international journal of mechanical sciences, 50: 1499-1509. (sci)
15.wei x. x. (2008). "the inhomogeneous strain distributions within finite cylinders under the axial point load tests and the effects on the valence band of si1-xgex alloy". international journal of solids and structures, 45: 4307-4321. (sci)
