2017/08-2018/08 美国佛罗里达大学大学 联合培养博士
2013/09-2019/03 北京理工大学 本科直博
2009/09-2013/07 北京理工大学 本 科
2021/01-现在 北京理工大学 预聘助理教授
2019/01–2021/01 北京理工大学 博士后
1. 代表性期刊论文:
[1]. jie chen, juan li, and bin xin. dmoea-εc: decomposition-based multiobjective evolutionary algorithm with the ε-constraint framework [j]. ieee transactions on evolutionary computation, 2017, 21(5): 714–730. (sci一区,if: 11.169)
[2]. juan li, bin xin, jie chen, and panos m. pardalos. noise-tolerant techniques for decomposition-based multiobjective evolutionary algorithms[j]. ieee transactions on cybernetics, 2020, 50(2): 2274-2287. (sci一区,if:11.079)
[3]. juan li, panos m. pardalos, bin xin, and jie chen. the bi-objective critical node detection problem with minimum pairwise connectivity and cost: theory and algorithms[j]. soft computing, 2019, 23(23): 12729–12744. (sci三区,if:3.050)
[4]. juan li, bin xin, panos m. pardalos, and jie chen. solving bi-objective uncertain stochastic resource allocation problems by the cvar-based risk measure and decomposition-based multi-objective evolutionary algorithms[j], annals of operations research, 296, 639–666 (2021). (sci三区,if:2.583)
[5]. juan li*, jie li, panos m. pardalos, and chengwei yang. dmaoea-εc: decomposition-based many-objective evolutionary algorithm with the ε-constraint framework[j], information sciences, volume 537, october 2020, pages 203-226. (sci一区,if:5.910)
[6]. juan li, bin xin*, jie chen, and ling wang. s-coea: subproblems co-solving evolutionary algorithm for uncertain optimization[j], ieee transactions on cybernetics, doi: 10.1109/tcyb.2021.3064556. (sci一区,if:11.079)
[7]. yachao yang, chang liu*, jie li, yu yang, juan li, zhidong zhang and bobo ye. design, implementation, and verification of a low‐cost terminal guidance system for small fixed‐wing uavs[j]. journal of field robotics. 2021, 38(5): 801–827.(sci二区,if:6.385)
[8]. jing xiong, jie li, juan li*, senbo kang, chang liu, and chengwei yang, probability-tuned market-based allocations for uav swarms under unreliable observations[j],ieee transactions on cybernetics, doi:10.1109/tcyb.2022.3162907. (sci一区,if:11.079)
[9]. bobo ye, jie li, juan li*, chang liu, jichu li, yachao yang, deep reinforcement learning based diving/pull-out control for bioinspired morphing uavs unmanned systems[j], unmanned systems, doi.org/10.1142/s2301385020500090.
[10]. juan li, jie chen, bin xin, lihua dou. solving multi-objective multi-stage weapon target assignment problem via adaptive nsga-ii and adaptive moea/d: a comparison study [c]. //proceedings of the ieee congress on evolutionary computation (cec), 2015: 3132-3139.
[11]. juan li, jie chen, bin xin. efficiently solving multi-objective dynamic weapon target assignment problems by nsga-ii [c]. //proceedings of the chinese control conference (ccc), 2015: 2556-2561.
[12]. juan li, jie chen, bin xin, lihua dou, zhihong peng. solving the uncertain multiobjective multi-stage weapon target assignment problem via moea/d-awa [c]. //proceedings of the world congress on computational intelligence (wcci), 2016: 4934-4941.
[13]. juan li, jie chen, bin xin, lu chen. efficient multi-objective evolutionary algorithms for solving the multi-objective mwta problem: a comparison study [c]. //proceedings of the ieee congress on evolutionary computation (cec), 2017: 435-442.
[14]. lu chen, bin xin, jie chen, juan li. a virtual-decision-maker library considering personalities and dynamically changing preference structures for interactive multiobjective optimization [c]. //proceedings of the ieee congress on evolutionary computation (cec), 2017: 636-641.
[15]. juan li, bin xin. an improved version of dmoea-εc for many-objective optimization problems: idmoea-εc [c]. //proceedings of the 38th chinese control conference (ccc), 2019: 2212-2217.
[16]. juan li, jie chen, bin xin. optimizing multi-objective uncertain multi-stage weapon target assignment problems with the risk measure cvar [c].// proceedings of the 15th ieee international conference on control and automation (icca), 2019: 61-66.
[17]. ziquan wang, chengwei yang, xiaolin hu, jing xiong, juan li*, chang liu, a design of simulation environment for small fixed-wing aircraft, 4th international conference on simulation, modeling and optimization (csmo), 2020.05.22, 012066 (8 pp.).
[18]. ziwei xin, jie li, ziquan wang, juan li*, a hardware-in-the-loop simulation platform for uav swarm decision-making, 2021 5th chinese conference on swarm intelligence and cooperative control.
[19]. ziquan wang, jie li, juan li*, and chang liu, uav swarm search methods under weak information interaction conditions, 2021 uav swarm search methods under weak information interaction conditions.
[20]. shi chen, cheng zhang, chengwei yang, juan li*, imflysim: a high-fidelity simulation platform for uav swarms, 2021 5th chinese conference on swarm intelligence and cooperative control.
[21]. 张胜,胡学峰,刘畅,李娟*, 基于单体视觉投影的集群控制策略, 无人系统技术, 2022,5(5):80–88, doi: 10.19942/j.issn.2096–5915.2022.5.052.
[22]. jing xiong, juan li*, jie li. adaptive assignment re-consensus in communication-constrained environments[c]//icus 2022; the 5th ieee international conference on unmanned systems. date of conference: 14-16 october 2022. conference location: guangzhou, china. 38-43. (best paper award)
[23]. ziwei xin; juan li*; chang liu; jie li; zihao chen; yiliang li,task-driven rule-based algorithm with mode-switching for uav swarms in bounded areas[c].//proceedings of the 2022 10th international symposium on computational intelligence and industrial applications, isciia 2022. (session best presentation award)
[24]. chen ,zihao; li, juan*; xiong, jing; li, jie; liu, chang; lin, jinkun; xin, ziwei; li, yiliang; decentralized task assignment based on information fusion in communication-constrained environments[c].//proceedings of the 2022 10th international symposium on computational intelligence and industrial applications, isciia 2022. (best paper award)
[25]. yiliang li, juan li*, chang liu, jie li, ziwei xin, zihao chen. an auction-based attack-defense decision-making method for uav air combat[c]//icus 2022; the 5th ieee international conference on unmanned systems. date of conference: 14-16 october 2022. conference location: guangzhou, china.
[26]. 李杰,刘畅,李娟. 集群智能-从自然到人工系统,中国宇航出版社, isbn:978-7-5159-1828-0.
[27]. juan li, bin xin, jie chen. decomposition-based evolutionary optimization in complex environments, world scientific publishing, august 2020, isbn: 978-981-12-1898-9.
[1]. 杨成伟,李杰,刘畅,王子泉,杨宇,李娟,熊婧,唐水源,王守猛,一种基于球面成像的多无人机自组群互感理解方法,zl 2019 1 1409374.8.
[2]. 杨成伟,王子泉,李杰,唐水源,刘畅,李娟,王守猛,杨宇,一种基于视觉信息的新型无人机自组群自洽优化控制方法,zl 2019 1 1417161.x.
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