
凯发k8官方网娱乐官方-凯发k8旗舰厅» 师资团队» 师资名单» 力学工程系




(1) 2008.09–2013.07, 中国工程物理研究院, 博士
(2) 2002.09–2005.07, 中国工程物理研究院,硕士
(3) 1998.09–2002.07, 河北师范大学, 学士


(1) 2021.06- 北京理工大学, 机电学院, 长聘教授
(2) 2017.09-2021.06 北京理工大学, 机电学院, 特别研究员
(3) 2015.08-2016.02, 澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学,访问学者
(4) 2011.09-2017.09, 北京应用物理与计算数学研究所, 副研究员(破格提升)
(5) 2007.09-2011.09, 北京应用物理与计算数学研究所, 助理研究员
(6) 2005.06-2007.09, 北京应用物理与计算数学研究所, 研究实习员


[1] xie yi-fan, shao jian-li, liu rui, chen peng-wan, atomistic study on reaction kinetics and reactivity of ni/al clad particles composites under shock loading, j. chem. phys. 158 094706 (2023)
[2] zhu qi, shao jian-li, wang pei, the dynamic response of he bubble in bicrystal copper under uniaxial compression and tension, j. nucl. mater. 574 154200 (2023)
[3] wu yong-chao, shao jian-li, zhan hai-fei, deformation and damage characteristics of copper/honeycomb-graphene under shock loading, int. j. mech. sci. 230 107544 (2022)
[4] wu wei-dong, shao jian-li, numerical and theoretical study on shock-induced coalescence of he bubbles, int. j. mech. sci. 234 107699 (2022)
[5] xie yi-fan, shao jian-li, liu rui, chen peng-wan, chemical reaction of ni/al interface associated with perturbation growth under shock compression, phys. fluids 34 044111 (2022)
[6] jiang dong-dong, shao jian-li, wu bao, wang pei, he an-min, sudden change of spall strength induced by shock defects based on atomistic simulation of single crystal aluminum, scr. mater. 210 114474 (2022)
[7] shao jian-li, wu wei-dong, shock-induced collapse and migration of nanoscale he bubble in single crystal al, scr. mater. 222 115033 (2023)
[8] zhu qi, shao jian-li, pan hao, wang pei, collapse of stacking fault tetrahedron and dislocation evolution in copper under shock compression, j. nucl. mater. 554 153081 (2021)
[9] shao jian-li, guo xiu-xia, lu guo, he wei-hua, xin jian-ting, influence of shear wave on the hcp nucleation in bcc iron under oblique shock conditions, mech. mater. 158 103878 (2021)
[10] wu yong-chao, shao jian-li, zheng zhuo-qun, zhan hai-fei, mechanical properties of a single-layer diamane under tension and bending, j. phys. chem. c 125 915 (2021)
[11] guo xiu-xia, shao jian-li, lu guo, reversibility of the structural transition in single crystal iron driven by uniaxial and triaxial strains atomistic study, int. j. mech. sci. 191 106064 (2021)
[12] lü tao, shao jian-li, meng jiu-ling, jiang yong, qiu rong, photoacoustically assisted material ejection from fused sio2 following uv nanosecond laser ablation, opt. lett. 45 16 (2020)


[1] 获得军队科技进步二等奖(2018,6/10,证书编号:2018371110050002-6)
[2] 获得军队科技进步一等奖(2010,3/13,证书编号:j20100102-3)
[3] 获得国家科技进步一等奖(2011,12/15,证书编号:2011-j-24502-1-01-r12)



