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(1) 2010-09至2014-06,法国里昂国立应用科学研究院,mega研究生院机械工程系,博士
(2) 2008-09至2010-07,哈尔滨工业大学,材料科学与工程学院材料科学系,硕士
(3) 2004-09至2008-07,哈尔滨工业大学,材料科学与工程学院材料科学系,本科


(1) 2022-10至现在,北京理工大学,机电学院力学工程系,副教授,博导
(2) 2018-11至2022-10,北京理工大学,机电学院力学工程系,预聘助理教授
(3) 2016-08至2018-08,以色列理工学院,机械工程学院,博士后,合作导师:daniel rittel教授
(4) 2014-11至2016-06,北京金风科技股份有限公司,强度分析工程师


(1) sapir gershova∗, jing xie, furqan a. shah, keren shemtov-yona, daniel rittel. modelling the resonant frequency associated with the spatio-temporal evolution of the bone-dental implant interface. acta biomaterialia. 2022, 154:302-311. (if=10.633, top期刊)
(2) 乔扬, 赵至诚, 谢晶, 陈鹏万. slm钛合金蜂窝结构的面内压缩力学行为[j]. 兵工学报, doi: 10.12382/bgxb.2022.0585.
(3) jing xie*, lulu niu, yang qiao, pengwan chen*, daniel rittel. impact energy absorption behavior of graphene aerogels prepared by different drying methods. materials & design. 2022, 221:110912. (if=9.417, top期刊)
(4) boran wang, ali arab*, jing xie*, pengwan chen. the influence of microstructure on the flexural properties of 3d printed zirconia part via digital light processing technology. materials. 2022, 15(4):1602. (if=3.748)
(5) jing xie*, lulu niu, yang qiao, yinze lei, guangyong li, xuetong zhang, pengwan chen*. the influence of the drying method on the microstructure and the compression behavior of graphene aerogel. diamond and related materials, 2022, 122:108772 (if=3.806,封面文章)
(6) jing xie*, daniel rittel, keren shemtov-yona, furqan a. shah, anders palmquist. a stochastic micro to macro mechanical model for the evolution of bone-implant interface stiffness. acta biomaterialia,2021, 131: 415-423. (if=10.633,top期刊)
(7) lulu niu, jing xie*, guangyong li, xuetong zhang, pengwan chen*. the compression mechanical properties of graphene aerogel. the european physical journal conferences, 2021, 250(306):06010.
(8) lulu niu, jing xie*, pengwan chen*, guangyong li, xuetong zhang. quasi-static compression properties of graphene aerogel. diamond and related materials, 2021,111:108225 (if=3.806)
(9) jing xie*, pengwan chen, daniel rittel. finite element modeling of multiple water droplets impact onto a rough surface: re-assessing sa and surface wavelength. journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials, 2020, 110:103816 (if=4.042)
(10) jing xie*, daniel rittel, pengwan chen. modeling the topographic evolution of a rough metallic surface resulting from impact of water droplets. international journal of engineering science, 2019, 144: 103142. (if=7.155,top期刊)
(11) jing xie*, daniel rittel. the effects of waterjet peening on a random-topography metallic implant surface, european journal of mechanics - a/solids, 2018, 71: 235-244. (if=4.873)
(12) jing xie*, daniel rittel. a two-dimensional model for metallic surface roughness resulting from pure waterjet peening, international journal of engineering science, 2017, 120: 189-198. (if=7.155,top期刊)
(13) jing xie*, daniel rittel. three-dimensional stochastic modeling of metallic surface roughness resulting from pure waterjet peening, international journal of engineering science, 2017, 120: 241-253. (if=7.155,top期刊)


(1) 本科生双语课程《工程材料基础》
(2) 研究生暑期学校双语课程《计算材料力学在增材制造仿真中的应用》


• 中国力学学会爆炸力学专业委员会冲击波与医学工程专业组组员
• 中国兵工学会防爆安检专业委员会第一届委员会副总干事
• 《defence technology》青年编委,《兵工学报》青年编委,《materials》主题编辑
• 中国力学学会会员,中国兵工学会会员,欧洲生物材料学会会员

