2011年毕业于北京大学化学与分子工程学院(裴坚教授),随后赴美国犹他大学(prof. ling zang)和西北大学(prof. fraser stoddart,2016年诺贝尔化学奖得主)进一步学习深造和开展博士后研究,主要从事小分子自组装的机理研究、有机功能材料的合成及表征、和新型含能材料传感器的设计及开发。
1. gao s, yang l, chen q, guo k, han j-m. fluorescent detection of hcl in halogenated solvents via photoinduced electron transfer: towards efficient gamma radiation detection. new journal of chemistry. 2020; 44(26):11256-61.
2. yan z, yang l, han j-m, song n, liu j. preparation of a nanoscale homogeneous energetic lead azides@porous carbon hybrid with high ignition ability by in situ synthesis. rsc advances. 2020;10(24):14347-52.
3. chen q, yang l, guo k, yang j, han j-m. expedite fluorescent sensor prototype for hydrogen peroxide detection with long-life test substrates. acs omega. 2021;6(17):11447-57.
4. yang j, yang l, chen q, guo k, han j-m. synthesis and characterization of an electron-deficient conjugated polymer based on pyridine-flanked diketopyrrolopyrrole. rsc advances. 2021;11(21):12995-3003.
5. wang s, yang l, han j, yan z. mof as the rigid shell to improve the mechanical sensitivity of nitramine explosives. materials letters. 2022; 306.
6. zhang l, chen q, yang l, he y, guo keke, yang j, han j-m. expeditious base-free solid-state reaction between phenyl boronates and hydrogen peroxide on silica gel. react. chem. eng. 2022, 7, 741-749.
为多家杂志社担任独立审稿人,包括adv. funct. mater., acs appl. mater. interfaces, j. org. chem., polym. chem., tetrahedron, chem. asian j.等。