2001年9月-2005年6月 江西师范大学计算机学院计算机科学与技术专业, 本科
2005年9月-2007年12月 北京航空航天大学计算机学院计算机应用技术专业,硕士
2007年9月-2013年1月 北京航空航天大学计算机学院计算机应用技术专业,博士
2013年3月-2015年3月 加拿大university of new brunswick,博士后
2015年3月-2018年12 北京航空航天大学计算机学院,副教授
2018年12月-2020年10 北京化工大学计算机学院,教授
2020年11月至今 北京理工大学计算机学院,特别研究员
1. q. xu, b. li, et. al, “multiscale contour extraction using a level set method in optical satellite images”, ieee geosci. and remote sens. lett., 8(5): 854-858, 2011.
2. q. xu, b. li, et. al, “high-fidelity component substitution pansharpening by the fitting of substitution data”, ieee trans. on geosci. and remote sens. , 52(11): 7380-7392, 2014.
3. q. xu, y. zhang, b. li, “improved sift match for optical satellite images registration by size classification of blob-like structures”, remote sens. lett., 5(5): 451-460, 2014.
4. q. xu, y. zhang, b. li, “recent advances in pansharpening and key problems in applications”, int. j. image data fusion, 5: 175-195, 2014.
5. q. xu, y. zhang, et. al, “pansharpening using regression of classified ms and pan images to reduce color distortion”, ieee geosci. and remote sens. lett., 12(1): 28-32, 2015.
6. l. wang, q. dai, q. xu*, y. zhang, “constructing hierarchical segmentation tree for feature extraction and land cover classification of high resolution ms imagery”, ieee j. selected topics in applied earth observ. and remote sens., 8(5): 1946-1961, 2015.
7. x. wang, q. xu*, et. al, “robust and fast scale-invariance feature transform match of large-size multispectral image based on keypoint classification”, j. applied remote sens., 9 (096028): 1-20, 2015.
8. f. gao, q. xu*, b. li, “robust aircraft segmentation from very high-resolution images based on bottom-up and top-down cue integration”, j. applied remote sens., 10(016003): 1-11, 2016.
9. y. wang, j. zheng, q. xu, b. li, h. hu, “an improved ransac based on the scale variation homogeneity”, j. visual commun. and image represent., 40: 751-764, 2016.
10. q. xu, w. qiu, et. al, “hyperspectral and panchromatic image fusion through an improved ratio enhancement”, j. applied remote sens., 11(015017): 1-14, 2017.
11. f. yang, q. xu*, b. li, “ship detection from optical satellite images based on saliency segmentation and structure-lbp feature”, ieee geosci. and remote sens. lett., 14(5): 602-606, 2017.
12. f. yang, q. xu*, b. li, “ship detection from thermal remote sensing imagery through region-based deep forest”, ieee geosci. and remote sens. lett., 15(3): 449-453, 2018.
13. j. zheng , q. xu*, et. al, “the on-orbit non-cloud-covered water region extraction for ship detection based on relative spectral reflectance”, ieee geosci. and remote sens. lett., 15(6): 818-822, 2018.
14. li q, mou l., xu qizhi*, zhang y., zhu x., “r3-net: a deep network for multi-oriented vehicle detection in aerial images and videos”, ieee trans. on geosci. and remote sens. , 2019, 25(6): 5028-5042.
15. y. li, qizhi xu*, w. li, j. nie, “automatic clustering-based two-branch cnn for hyperspectral image classification”, ieee trans. on geosci. and remote sens. , 2020, 0(0): 1-14.
16. j. nie, qizhi xu*, j. pan, m. guo, “hyperspectral image classification based on multiscale spectral–spatial deformable network”, ieee geosci. and remote sens. lett., 2020, 0(0): 1-5.
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2. ieee trans. on geosci. and remote sens., ieee geosci. and remote sens. lett, j. applied remote sens.等期刊审稿人